How to Start a Trend

How to Start a Trend

Fashion trends come and go with the seasons, or sometimes even faster. The fashion world is constantly in flux, redefining what's trendy almost daily. Seize the opportunity to start a trend of your own. Whether it becomes a world wide phenomenon or simply the cool thing to wear in the halls of your high school, wear the badge of "trendsetter" proudly.


Find a new or unique item that you really love. When starting a trend, you must plan to be spotted with your fashion accessory regularly. The would-be trendy item should be obtainable, easily mimicked and reasonably priced.


Publicize your trend, first on a small scale to people you know, then to wider audiences. Be seen out and about wearing your trend-setting new shoes, bag or


. Open yourself to questions about the item--remember you want to be copied.


Convince high profile or popular people to adopt your trend. Position yourself so they see you and become intrigued by the new look. Talk to them about the trend if you feel really bold.


Write to a fashion magazine about the details of your trend. Many magazines have columns showcasing what's trendy in different regions of the country. Expose your trend to a national audience by getting it featured on the pages of a teen, women's or fashion magazine.


Get a celebrity to start wearing your trend. Write to their publicists, or even send a sample of your fashion item for them to carry around--and be photographed displaying. Once a celebrity is seen with an item, the trend explodes to epic proportions.